Opening of a French government website to improve dialogue between companies and the administration. The French government has just opened the website . Oops is in the French language the onomatopoeia characteristic of the taxpayer who has just realized that he has made a mistake. T...
Two years ago, France experienced its first Silent Revolution of the property tax. The effects are not yet fully known, as the said reform is smoothed over 10 years. At present, we are witnessing a novelty in terms of property tax for establishments with storage in France. If you have invested in st...
All French companies are required to file their accounts with the Commercial Court. Not complying with this obligation may be punished by a fine of 1500€ for a first infraction and up to 3000€ in the event of a repeat offence. The filing must be made within one month of the approval of the accounts...
By 2021, the rules on French Professional Training Tax and Apprenticeship Tax will be aligned with payments made to URSSAF (implementing decree not published yet). The down-payments will therefore be done monthly. In the meantime, the following payment schedule has been put in place for bases 2019 a...